Sunset 164 (2006)
Neon & black gless
Insideout, 2006, Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin
Private Collection
I'd Rather Go Blind, Than To See You Walk Away From, 2015
Light sculpture with neon, 120 parts, 1080 x 820 cm
35.4 x 57 feet
Galerie Clemens Gunzer Zurich
Johnny Won't Go To Heaven (2006)
Neon (42 parts), mirror glass, beer cans
H. 11.15 feet (340 xcm)
Big City Lab, 2006, Artforum Berlin
Ghost Rider N.26 (2013)
Neon (crystal glass), ruby red / pink
7.05 x 10.59 feet (215 x 323 cm)
Reflections, 2013, Maruani & Noirhomme, Knokke
Private Collection
Take Me Where You Want (2002)
Neon, mirror glass
9.84 x 9.84 x 9.84 feet (300 x 300 x 300 cm)
Geometrie & Gestus, 2002, Gandolph-Bibliothek,
Mozartplatz, Salzburg
Ghost Rider No.X (2010)
Neon, mirror glass
H. 11.48 feet / 350 cm
Neon, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Sidney, 2010